Over the past few months, the link between lack of sleep and obesity has been mentioned more on the news and in articles for the public. This is because years of research has confirmed that not getting enough sleep contributes to weight gain in women, men and children alike; and how this makes it more difficult to lose weight through several mechanisms.
Lack of Sleep and Obesity Study Results
One recent study focused on the relationship between chronic lack of sleep and obesity.The researchers focused on participants who regularly got less than 6 hours of sleep per night. They found that these people were more likely to have increased BMIs and to be obese than those who slept for longer than 6 hours per night.
There are several mechanisms through which a lack of sleep is thought to contribute to obesity:
1) When the body is tired, it releases more ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone. This leads to increased appetite and causes people to eat more than they do when well rested.
2) Sleep deprivation also decreases the amount of leptin, an appetite suppressing hormone, that the body releases. Thus, sleep deprived people must eat a lot more in order to feel satisfied.
5 Long Term Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Sleep
How Common of A Problem Is Sleep Deprivation?
One study estimates that more than 1/3 of adults in the United States are not getting enough sleep. This was previously 18%, 53 million people in total, getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night. Many of these adults suffer from obesity, which is likely brought on at least in part by not getting enough sleep. Those who begin sleeping more find that they are better able to resist cravings and lose weight, though this greatly dependent on food addiction and whether bad habits are intentionally replaced by good ones. One more thing to keep in mind is the connection between diabetes, sleep and obesity and how all 3 are climbing in recent stats.

How Much Sleep Do We Need?
According to the National Sleep Foundation these are the appropriate hours of sleep needed by age:Newborn (0 to 3 months):
--- Recommended: 14 to 17 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 11 to 19 hours total
Infants (4 to 11 months)
--- Recommended: 12 to 15 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 10 to 18 hours total
Toddlers (1 to 2 years old)
--- Recommended: 11 to 14 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 9 to 16 hours total
Pre-School Age (3 to 5 years)
--- Recommended: 10 to 13 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 8 to 14 hours total
School Aged Children (6 to 13 years)
--- Recommended: 9 to 11 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 7 to 12 hours total
Teenagers 14-17 years
--- Recommended: 8 to 10 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 7 to 11 hours total
Young Adults (18 to 25 years old)
--- Recommended: 7 to 9 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 6 to 11 hours total
Adults (26 to 64 years old)
--- Recommended: 7 to 9 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 6 to 10 hours total
Older Adults (65+ years old)
--- Recommended: 7 to 8 hours sleep needed
--- Acceptable Range: 5 to 9 hours total
Lack of Sleep and Obesity In Children
Sleep deprivation is not a problem that is restricted to adults, either. Another study examined the link between sleep deprivation in children and later development of obesity and diabetes. Researchers followed children over time and found that those who frequently got inadequate sleep were more likely to become overweight later in life than those who slept more. Not only were sleep deprived children at an increased risk of obesity, but they were also likely to develop diabetes. A lack of sleep is thought to decrease insulin sensitivity, which leads to type II diabetes as the child develops.
How To Get Better Sleep and Control Weight Gain?
These studies have an important take-home message for anyone who is trying to maintain or lose weight:1) Diet and exercise are important, but they are not quite enough.
2) Getting adequate sleep is absolutely essential for those who wish to shed pounds.
3) We need to let children and teens sleep their full hours needed in order to reduce their risk of obesity and diabetes later in life.
This may be why some school districts are starting to restructure the times when students start school, so that it is not as early for them. Regardless, as parents and grandparents we need to do our very best to get and keep our children on good sleep schedules for their health and success in school.
Many of you have asked whether you should try HiBurn8 for help with sleep and weight loss. A lot of our customers are having success with it for a more restful night, and doing better with the weight loss by taking HiBurn8 at night and either Skinny Fiber or Skinny Body Max during the day. If this regiment is not in your budget, you can always try the following for sleep help:
1) Don't eat at least 3 hours before bed. Only drink water if it does not contribute to your lack of sleep at night.
2) Stick to a daily schedule; especially when you go to bed and aim to wake each morning.
3) Make bedtime as comfortable as possible; take a warm bath, put memory foam on your mattress or get a new one that feels best to you, use darkening curtains or a sleeping mask, light clothing or naked, and any other details that can help you fall asleep and slumber better such as No TV, electronic devices or work in your bedroom.
4) Avoid foods and drinks that have caffeine; opt for more natural options. Also, eat healthier during the day to aid in weight loss instead of continued weight gain.
5) Exercise daily - it helps with stress (physical / mental) and better sleep.
6) Meditation can also help develop a relaxing state that leads to sleeping better.
Take HiBurn8 every night! It has ingredients that help with sleep and weight loss, as well as muscle and tissue repair, inflammation, stress and so much more.

Click here to learn more about HiBurn8 and why it helps with sleep, weight loss & health!
Please feel free contact me if you have any questions and share this post with friends! One of them may find it helpful.
Blessings To You,
Patel SR, Hu FB. Short sleep duration and weight gain: a systematic review. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008; 16:643-53.
Knutson KL and Van Cauter E. Associations between sleep loss and increased risk of obesity and diabetes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2008;1129:287-304.
Kristen L. Knutson. Does Inadequate Sleep Play a Role in Vulnerability to Obesity? American Journal of Human Biology. 2012; 24 (3): 361.
Benedict C. Letters To The Editor: Compromised sleep increases food intake in humans: two sexes, same response. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;95:531.
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