Here's a new weight loss testimonial from my friend June. My husband and I are really proud of her results!!! She lost weight by taking Skinny Fiber and healthy eating; specifically fresh fruit, vegetables and chicken.
Skinny Fiber Results | Weight Loss Testimonial
In her own words:"To date I have lost 18 lbs I am so happy . I am going on a cruise in Jan so I wanted to lose for that reason but most of all for myself,I feel so wonderful I went from a size 12 to a size 8" ~June
Please make sure to give June your encouragement ... It's not easy to post pictures for the whole world to see. Plus, June wants to lose 10 more pounds and keep the weight off.
Weight Loss After 50 Doesn't Have To Be Hard
Over the past year, I've had a lot of online friends saying that weight loss over 50 years old is virtually impossible; June and many other people defy these odds. If this is how you feel, please let her before and after pictures, message and goals be inspiration because YOU CAN DO THIS, TOO!!!Commit to doing the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with us!
Here's to your health and happiness in the 2016 year!
Hugs & Blessings,
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