Week 2 & Week 3 Winners - Plank & Power Fitness Challenge (November 2015)

Here's a quick update to let you know who the fitness challenge winners are for Week 2 and Week 3. My sweet toddler helped at selecting winners again these weeks. We used the slips of paper with names as you saw in the Week 1 winner post. THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in our Plank & Power Fitness Challenge so far. Please don't quit because you didn't win because next week could you be your name selected. Keep working towards your strength and cardio goals --- You are all winners in your personal challenges!

Week 2 Winner - Nov 9th to 15th

Week 2 Plank & Power Fitness Challenge Winner at www.weightlosssupportonline.com
Lois won the fitness challenge for week 2 and chose a bottle of Ageless as her gift!

Week 3 Winner - Nov 16th to 22nd

Week 3 Power and Plank Fitness Challenge @ Weight Loss Support Online Group
Roberta is our Week 3 winner! She chose an Amazon Gift Card as her gift.
Last Week Of The Fitness Challenge
Yesterday started our last week of the fitness challenge. It runs from 11/23/2015 to 11/30/2015 (actually 8 days), so you still have a chance to catch up from yesterday or just dive in today. With Thanksgiving being the launch of a food filled holiday season, it's always great to have Skinny Fiber and our group fitness challenge to help keep us on track with healthy eating, weight maintenance and motivation. Make sure to join us if you could use this weight loss support, too!

Your friend,



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