WEEK 4 of the weight loss challenge - We're fired up!
By now, you should be taking Skinny Fiber consistently, drinking 1/2 your weight in ounces of water each day, walking at least 20 minutes a day and starting to make any other necessary changes to get the ball rolling. I know that some of you doing all of this and are starting to lose weight and / or inches lost. I am extremely excited for you. Congrats!
If you have been struggling and confused by exactly How Skinny Fiber Works, please make sure to read everything I am sharing in this blog post for you! You can click on one of the share buttons below if you want to save this post to read to later. If you are receiving this message by email, then you already have it to read - Please feel free to contact me, too (info below).
Since we're about a month into the challenge, and this is a "make-or-break" time for you, I am reaching out with some information on how to lose weight with Skinny Fiber.
Weight Loss Challenge Videos
I hope that you have been checking your emails weekly because the owner of the company has been sending out videos with motivational messages and weight loss tips for you. These are brand new and specially made for the current Weight Loss Challenge. He is addressing everything that I have been sharing with you on Facebook. You can watch the first four videos here if you've missed them, but make sure to look for them each Wednesday, so that you can stay on pace. The videos are in order from left to right:Not Losing Weight Yet? Skinny Fiber Tips To Help
If things have been kind of slow for you and you're wondering why, just keep a positive mind and remain consistent in taking Skinny Fiber and the other tips in the challenge videos. Just keep in mind what Skinny Fiber was created to do; it helps with appetite control and helping your body get healthier so that you can lose weight.A while back I wrote a blog post on everything you need to know about how to lose weight with Skinny Fiber. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS ARTICLE and contact me w/ questions.
Friend Me at Facebook & Join Our Support Group
Please make sure to Add Me as a Friend on Facebook (it is better to friend me so that I will see your messages faster). It is completely safe to add me as a friend as I DO NOT post anything about Skinny Fiber on your page. It just keeps us connected to chat, learn and share with one another!Please make sure to join our Weight Loss Support Group and stay connected. This is a private group and a safe place to learn, share, get recipes, tips, motivation, We post progress and set backs each week. We keep a positive place, but venting is permitted to get out some of those stressful thoughts that are holding you back from true happiness and results. Don't miss out on this support resource with people doing the challenge just like you!
Wednesday Starts Week 5 - Wonder What's Next?
Week 1 Recap- Getting Started and Developing the habit of consistently taking your Skinny Fiber and Drinking Water (it should be AT LEAST 1/2 Your Weight In Water with the understanding that the Glucomannan in Skinny Fiber does suck up water.
Week 2 Recap
- Start cutting sugar out of you body. This means white starches like refined sugar, noodles and bread that turn in to insulin spiking carbs in the body. This also means pop /soda, store bought juices and juice drinks, Starbucks Frappachinos, etc. etc. etc. Stick to low sugar fruits like berries and melons. Start looking at labels and if it says sugar, corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup, then you need to reconsider whether that food is worth your weight loss progress.
Week 3 Recap
- Start Exercising: Walk at least 20 minutes a day or more. If you're further along then do more, but if you struggle to walk at least 20 minutes a day because of your weight, then you really need to commit to this weeks challenge. Start with 5 minutes and work your way up to 20 minutes. This new habit to exercise is something that you will not stop during the 90 day challenge and after.
Week 4 Recap
- Give up bread! This is probably one of the most difficult changes for most people, but bread has no true nutritional value in comparison to real, whole, foods. It has gluten, is hard on the joins and keeps you fat because it is one of the most dangerous insulin spiking foods.
There you have it! Skinny Fiber is just a tool that helps with appetite, metabolism, fat blocking and digestion - it gets your body healthy to lose weight, but learning how to get healthy is key.
Yes, you can take Skinny Fiber for longer and wait for it to eventually happen, or you can gey the ball rolling by making healthy lifestyle changes, too.
This concludes how to lose weight with Skinny Fiber post. Please make sure to either comment below, contact me personally on Facebook or pop into our group with how you're doing so far.
Praying for all of you daily, too!
Your Friend,
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