Sending you a belated Happy Easter or Resurrection Day as we say in my family. It has been bugging me all week that I did not get this message to you and I apologize for being so late. I took a few days off of work for prayer and reflection last weekend. Plus, our family was together ... Easter is always a time of overwhelming gratitude for the blessing of reborn life!
I hope that your Easter was a day of gratitude, prayer, peace and love!
On another note, I also want to acknowledge that I received your messages about having a hard time staying on track over the holiday break. Thank you for being honest and also feeling comfortable confiding in me.
Reply To Your Messages- Holiday Binge Eating
Please don't feel bad about "slip ups" because they happen to all of us at one time or another. What matters is what you do after the fact ... Will you get back on track quickly or will you continue bad habits until you "burn and crash" again?I went through the very same thing ...
I managed to stay away from the candy, but turned into a carb addicted HOG when the mashed potatoes hit the table. I knew what was happening when I scooped out that first spoonful and totally ignored the fact that I have not eaten white potatoes in about a year ... Needless to say, I FELT DEFEATED the next day. I had to pull it back together the very next day. I took my Skinny Fiber, drank lots of water, ate low carb and did not touch those leftover potatoes again (smile).
Typically, I would have just shared this in our weight loss support group and moved on, but I want to make sure that I reply to this issue here in case you are not in our group, yet.
If your eating has been off since Easter or throughout the Spring Break weeks or if you have stopped exercising since our last challenge, it is time for you to get back on track. If you are struggling to get yourself back on track. STOP IT!!! You are more than capable of making that choice for yourself. *** Take your Skinny Fiber RIGHT NOW, drink your water, take a walk ... start working on your weight loss and health goals, again. ***

REMEMBER ... None of us are perfect!
It takes a lot of discipline to live a totally clean and healthy life; with the reality that most of us do as well as we can with staying on track with newly established habits and maintaining weight loss. SLIP UPS and BINGE EATING HAPPEN, but it's never an excuse to give up completely.
One weekend is no big deal in comparison to a month or even a year of being off track again, so please take this post to heart and get yourself back on track with your weight loss goals!!!
You can add me as a friend at http://www.facebook.com/flwahm so we can chat there and you can ask me to add you to our weight loss support group. We do weekly check ins, stay motivated with new recipes and tips that help!
The alternative is to getting back on track now --- feeling great again --- is to continue GIVING UP on your weight loss and health goals. REMEMBER HOW THAT MAKES YOU FEEL?
Here's To YOUR Success,
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