I am really excited to share this new Fitness Challenge with you. It is a very easy FAT BURNING walking interval challenge that will help you blast that belly fat with both exercise and a special diet plan (you can use Skinny Fiber to help if you need). PLEASE MAKE SURE to either bookmark this page or click one of the share buttons at the bottom of the post to share this to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. This is a chance for you to get your weight loss goals on track before the holidays (lose weight, get fit, have fun) and maybe even a surprise for you, too!!! (WOO HOO!!!)
How To Do The Walking Interval Challenge
I picked up a copy of Woman's World the other day while shopping. The article on the cover was titled "Proven diabetes protection! Walk off belly fat!" ...READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING!
After reading the article, I realized the tip was similar to our October fitness challenge where we did various interval walk / run routines (there are still copies of this in our Facebook Group if you would like to use them). The difference is that THIS interval challenge has a set pattern.
Here is how to do the Walking Interval Challenge:
3 minutes fast walking, 3 minutes regular pace, 3 minutes fast walking ...
do this at least 10 times (30 minutes) and 5 days a week to lose the belly fat.
In fact, this article stated that, according to a Copenhagen University study, the effects of this walk interval routine, “burns off dramatically belly-plumping blood sugar than normal walking”. This is why it is so awesome for DIABETICS as well as those of us who suffer from metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, etc ... MOST OF ALL, that "Spare tire" around the mid section of our bodies ...
On average, those who did interval walking instead of normal walking lost 12 pounds in weeks with no dieting. One 36 year old woman was 400+ pounds and lost 228 pounds by interval walking and eating a balanced 1300 calorie diet. Another 38 year old woman lost 111 pounds doing this for 45 minutes a day. The 3rd woman, age 48, lost 52 pounds in just over 60 days of interval walking and eating this way. All of these women did a special 1300 calorie diet with the interval walking.
I will post the recommended meal plan in our group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/weightlosssupportonline),
Commit to doing this for 30 days depending on your healthy and weight loss need!!! (90 days is perfect for those doing the Buy 2 Get 1 Free / Skinny Fiber challenge, too --- but the holidays may interfere with the recommended diet, so take the Skinny Fiber 90 days, but the diet will be more flexible after 30 days)
Benefits of Yogurt For Belly Fat & Weight Loss
One of the main foods recommended to add to your diet is sugar free plain yogurt. The article stated that sugar free yogurt helps melt up to 81% more abdominal fat as well as to help improve digestion, lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart attack and prevent heart disease.SO, I CHALLENGE ALL OF US TO DO THIS FOOD / FITNESS CHALLENGE WITH ME!
You don't have to take Skinny Fiber to participate in this challenge, but it can really help especially if you struggle with overeating, cravings, digestive issues, lack of energy, then it wouldn't hurt for you to use this all natural product to help with adjusting during this challenge, too.
Here is the link where you can BUY SKINNY FIBER TODAY for this Flat Belly Challenge. It delivers in the USA and other areas with distribution centers within a week or up to 2 weeks for many other areas. You can always send me a message to ask how long frst.
We will all start with a commitment to do this for 30 days. This includes:
1) Do the walk interval routine!
2) Follow the coordinating special belly fat diet plan!
3) Skinny Fiber (if you need it – could only help)!
I am going to post it on all social network pages, so that you can SHARE from your account with friends OR just click the links below to share this awesome fitness / food challenge with friends and family - the more, the better the challenge!
I will track all members who consistently participate in this WALK INTERVAL / FLAT BELLY challenge and place into special giveaways. Must be Skinny Fiber customer of mine (as to not have conflct with your commitment w/ other distributors) and/or follow the terms. The details will be in our Facebook group!!!
Lets get together to support one another in losing weight, getting healthier and SHARING the information with friends / loved ones who it can help, too!
(You could be the next $1000 weight loss winner for 2014)
Look forward to seeing you there!!!
Hugs & Blessings,
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