One of my group members asked for a shopping list (well, several have asked over the years), so this blog post shares what I most recently bought at the store as well as the foods that I buy and keep in the house at all times (staple food). I never thought to share my personal shopping list because the way I eat is much more restrictive than what most people want to eat when starting their Skinny Fiber challenge. I personally set goals that are not only based on weight, but more so eating clean (natural / organic) and especially with the least amount of processed foods and sugar in my diet. My goal is to one day be completely processed free and eat only raw food organic; this is a process for sure. I try my best to include my family but they are not always on board. I have tried to share clean eating tips with customers and members of my weight loss support group, but sometimes they are not on board because it's hard ...
So, I am sharing this shopping list and meal ideas by request for this person, and hoping that some of you will become inspired to make some healthy food changes in your diet, too!
What Foods Do I Eat For Weight Loss / Weight Maintenance?
My Last Shopping List- Blueberry Keifer (for my toddler)
- Just Great Stuff Peanut Powder (non-gmo)
- Apple Cider Vinegar (I use this for salads and cooked greens)
- Almond Milk (all of us use it)
- Organic Romaine Lettuce
- Organic Grape Tomatoes
- Organic Spring Mix Greens
- Organic Kale Leaves
- Organic Bok Choy
- Organic Eggs (found white ones this time)
- Flax Seed Crackers (red & golden)
- Butter
- Miracle Rice (I prefer these to the Miracle noodles)
- Organic Chicken (fresh)
- Organic Ginger
- Wild Fish (I bought salmon and swordfish)
- Green Onions
- Portobella Mushroom
- Organic Asparagus
- Avocados
- Coconut Milk
- Thai Red Curry Paste
- Organic Garlic
- 2 Gallons Alkaline Water
I also bought these that weren't on the list:
- Natural cheese (cheddar, romano, mozzerella)
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch (my toddler begs for it)
- Wild Albacore non gmo / bpa-free
- Natural Sea Premium Pink Salmon - No Salt
(I wanted to try this non-gmo, bpa-free can product for salmon patties)
- Natural No Sugar Bacon
Foods That I Already Had At Home (always buy at the store)
- Organic Stevia
- Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Organic Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
- Coconut Secrets Coconut Aminos (Organic)
- Flavor Fresh Pouch Albacore Tuna
- Organic Valley Fresh Chicken
- Field of Greens (powdered, vegan, greens)
- Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein
- Organic Chia Seeds (black)
- Organic Cold Milled Ground Golden Flax Seed
- Onions
- Smoked Turkey Breast
- Organic Frozen Berries
- Lemons, Bananas, Squash, Zucchini, Broccoli Flourettes, Green Beans
- Fresh Basil, Parsley, Dill, Chili Peppers (organic)
- Garlic Powder, Curry, Tumeric, Crushed Red Peppers
- Dill, Dulse Flakes, Sea Salt, Cinnamon
- Cocoa Powder
- Apples
- Cases of 16.9 ounce bottles ot water
- Publix Organic Mediem Salsa
My Vices ...
- Lite Spinach Flat Out Wraps
(I keep these in the freeze just in case I want to use one on taco / fajita night. I usually use romaine or make a taco salad, but sometimes I will use a wrap)
- Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola Bar
(yes, I know not the best, but it's my on the go bar)
- Hellmann's Mayonnaise
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- The raw food section of the natural food store where they have little cocoa, coconut, protein balls and such. I'm pretty good at not buying them anymore, but I have weak moments for those.
Foods I Buy Often (but do not eat myself)
- Lakewood Organic Juices
(I don't drink bottled juice, but I keep these in case my husband and kids want to break up the water and tea with a glass of juice).
- Brigg's Liquid Aminos
(My husband loves soy sauce, so this is better for him to me)
- Grassfed Beef or Natural Beef (the guys like steak and burgers)
- Frozen Pizza (emergency food per hubby) and he also likes Frozen Meals
- Organic Mac & Cheese
- Pancakes, Syrup, Fruit Snacks ... Some things the kids "demand".
How Do I Eat Daily?
I have tried every popular diet ... Including the 80/10/10 and raw food vegan. I finally resolved at one that works for me (not sluggish, not gaining weight, no digestive issues, etc). I eat lean meats, lots of vegetables (mostly green and tomatoes), almond milk, eggs and sometimes cheese. I occasionally eat berries, apples, Green Vibrance. I was able to lose weight like this and maintain ...In general, unless I eat an occasional Flat Out Wrap, I do not eat bread. I do not eat rice or noodles - just the Miracle Rice and occasional type noodles if the rice is not available.
Sugar is pretty much eliminated from my diet except for an occasional 4 grams in the peanut powder or if I have berries in my smoothie; there are alcohol sugars in the Atkins bars (which are occassional for me as well).
I drink one cup of coffee in the morning with Stevia and Half & Half.
I drink water all day; parsley and green tea a few times a week.
I take Skinny Fiber, Omega Krill, Sublingual B, Sublingual D, Raw Probiotics
Do You Overeat A Lot?
Yes, sometimes, I overeat protein and really have to watch the "oil" fats or I can have more than I should, but I try to keep a good handle on these. YES, fats are good for you, but overdoing the "good fats" can have consequences. I only use butter every so often for flavor (for years it was my fat of choice, so that was quite a change in eating for me).I still take Skinny Fiber daily ...
It helps me to not overeat and has had health benefits on my body (my blood pressure, leg pain and swelling during menstration have been benefits.)
Skinny Fiber is a product that we all can take with any type of diet. When you watch the videos or read that you can eat whatever you want with Skinny Fiber, this is the truth, though it best applies to any type of diet plan and not necessaribad foods". In other words, you can do the Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Paleo Diet, South Beach, USDA recommended or low fat ... Any type of diet plan, though it does not include any recommendation of living on fast food, treats and other non healthy foods.
I hope this blog post has been helpful to you. Please feel free to Comment, click the Contact Page or join me at Facebook to discuss anything.
P.S. Add me as a friend on Facebook - I'm a great addition to your support system :)
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