It's August! You've already ditched the long tunics for cute little plus size tops. You've already found a swimsuit that worked on vacation at the pool or beach. Some of you have even gone as far as to show off your beautiful legs in skirts and shorts ... KUDOS!!! The point is that you've already made it through these hot summer months, as comfortably as possible despite the fact that you did not reach your end of summer weight loss goals. Stop stressing about it and make new weight loss goals. Try some of these end of summer weight loss tips!
End of Summer Weight Loss Tips
Set Your Goals & Commit To Lose Weight
Just as you have goals for completing any other task in life, weight loss is just the same. First you have to MAKE UP YOUR MIND (commit) to the decision to lose weight starting TODAY and then set your weight loss goals accordingly. This is true whether you have 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 30 pound, 100 pounds or even 200 pounds to lose. No matter what your end of summer weight loss plans, you have to get organized (set goals) and be realistic. Average weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week. Some people lose more and some lose less, but if you commit to losing the average weight, that 4 to 8 pounds a month, that is realistic. If you want to lose more, that is possible, too, though will take quite a bit of change in habits on your part; especially to have healthy long term weight loss.
Take Skinny Fiber or Skinny Body Max Everyday
I can't emphasize enough how incredible Skinny Fiber is as a weight loss product. It has helped so many people lose weight and inches naturally; some experiencing beautiful health advantages after weight loss with Skinny Fiber, too. It is not a miracle drug nor weight loss in a bottle, but it does work for appetite control, natural energy, keeping the digestive system clean and more. Some people lose weigh JUST by taking Skinny Fiber. Usually, their only major change is increasing the amount of water they drink and giving up soda / pop or other unhealthy constants (food or drink) they consume in excess each day. When they start to experience "weight loss success", some of these people end up making food and fitness changes, too, because they start feeling better and want to become their healthiest. On the other hand, the rest of us try the product for a few weeks to see how it works and add on some of the traditional things that help with weight loss like healthy food changes, exercise, increasing water and sleep, as well as working towards life changes that decrease the stress and fat accumulation.
3 Diet Plans For Healthy & Fast Weight Loss
You can actually lose up to 7 pounds a week (up to 21 pounds in a month) with these 3 diet plans and this will still be healthy weight loss for you per the doctors who created them. You just have to be disciplined while doing them or you will not lose the weight you want. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you need to maintain the food changes for long term results, therefore, try all three of the eal plans and switch them up at times, but stick with the one that is easiest and how you like to eat. This way, you can add on with adaptations for variety, though not pile the pounds back on!!!!
Don't want to follow a certain diet plan? Then just make healthier choices according to how you like to eat. You can lose weight fast by getting rid of foods that have sugar, refined starches, GMO / CHEMICALS, eating more protein, veggies and low sugar fruit, giving up or eating smaller portions of lean meats.
Exercise For Weight Loss & Health
Yes, exercise is part of the equation. How often and what workouts you choose have a major impact on your weight loss and long term health. For example, some people not only lose weight but increase how quickly they lose weight, just by walking 20 to 30 minutes each day - OR - even just by getting up to walk ot jog in place during each commerical while watching television at night. This is all it takes for some people. Others need more of a workout 3 to 7 days a week for stress, weight loss and health needs. When it comes to burning fat, losing weight and toning up, you can still walk or run a few days a week, but mixing the routine with strengthening fitness activites (lifting weights, yoga, etc) will help expedite the results. If you are unsure of which routine(s) is best for you, it doesn't hurt to do a free gym trial. A fitness expert will give you a routine when you get started and then you can decide whether to join the gym or just adopt that routine at home. There are also a TON of resources online that can help you get started as well. Just Google "online fitness programs" or search in the Facebook bar and you will find some awesome resources to guide you.
Drink at least half your weight in ounces of water each day!
This is something I mention all of the time and NOT just because Skinny Fiber needs water to swell the glucomannan. Professionals have made drinking water a health staple to avoid dehydration and keep you from drinking too many calories each day. If you would just drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of water each day, you will notice changes in your skin, hunger, energy and your digestion. You body (organs, blood, muscles) need the proper amount of water to function optimally and you can increase your brain activity by 14% according to University of East London scientists. Nothing is more quenching or helpful towards your health as making this one simple change. DON'T LIKE WATER? So what!!! Make yourself learn to like it even if you have to buy metro water or make infused waters; just don't turn to chemically flavored waters as an alternative. Keep your water and weight loss natural!
Getting the right about of sleep and reducing stress in your life!
I have found that sleeping right and reducing stress can be the most difficult changes for weight loss and health; many of my online friends agree. I suppose this is why health professionals emphasize their role in weight loss so much. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day and reducing stress is what everyone needs. The problem is that some of you don't realize that this is what's making it hard for you to lose weight. Stress and Sleep are related, so this is why I have coupled it here in one topic. Stress affected how you sleep (amount and quality) as well as the production of hormones that are directly related to sleep, eating, metabolism, etc. Lack of sleep affects cognitive function, liver production and release, and causes the same weight related diseases as obesity. Both are related to the production and storage of fat; especially that stubborn belly fat. If you are not losing weight despite the Skinny Fiber, exercise, healthy foods and drinks, then you best evaluate your sleep habits and how you are dealing with stress in your life. Getting plenty of hours of sleep? It might be the quality of sleep opposed to just hours. Invest in a fitness tracker, join a sleep study or ask your doctor for some help - they can help confirm that for you. Think you're not stressed or handle stress well? We all deal with stress in our lives, so how can you tell if your stress is affecting weight loss and health? Again, a fitness tracker can help screen stress levels. There are also online quizes and phone aps you can try to double check (Google this), but it is best to ask your doctor about a stress management test if you are concerned that this may be an underlying issue for your weight, sickness or amount of fat vs muscle in your body.
End of Summer Weight Loss Tips - Will You Do Them?
Ok, I have written my heart out here in hopes that you will REALLY follow these end of the summer weight loss tips! Scroll up and go over all of the bolded words in this article ... will you do what they tell you THIS TIME? Please do not be offended by my saying "this time" - I am not judging and will never get tired of sharing this information, motivation and support - I understand how it is but want those words "this time" to STICK with you whether you get irritated with me or not because the truth is I have written these for you so many times before and we are now going over these again. For most, this is not the first summer you've tried - or failed to really try - to lose weight. Wouldn't it be AWESOME to make this the last "fluffy" summer of your life? This is my prayer for all of you!
* Like, Share, Tweet, Google Plus, Comments ... Do something to tell me that you're committing to your weight loss and health after reading this post and then get started + stick with it!*
Some weight loss / support resources for you:
Much Love & Blessings To You!
Your Friend,
Image Source: failureismybiggestfear.tumblr.com