Photo: Gold & Platinum Leader Pins - Skinny Fiber / (SBC) Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor
This month is my 2nd anniversary as a Skinny Fiber Distributor ... My "Skinnyversary" WOO HOO!!! It feels awesome sharing that with you because it's been one more year with this life changing company and working towards long term goals with both customers and other distributors ... even though it doesn't feel like work most time because I enjoy what I do! I am sitting here blown away that I have been here for 2 years ... WOW! So, I thought that I would share some information about my experience with you!
First of all, I NEVER expected to be in a direct sales company none-the-less believe in a product, opportunity and love the people so much that I work with and serve each day. I had given up on finding "the best home business" so many years before becoming a distributor with this company. So many companies that I came across were not legitimate or even long term (they ended up not paying or went out of business). Some legitimate network marketing companies required party planning, local meetings, inventory, ordering more than I needed to make goals, and had really pushy upline mentors that did not reflect the business person that I wanted to be. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with any of that as a Skinny Fiber Distributor. That opened a whole new world of network marketing for me ... and so many others before / since I've been a distributor with the company.
When, How & Why Did I Become A Skinny Fiber Distributor
I became a Skinny Fiber / Skinny Body Care (SBC) Independent Distributor on July 15, 2012. I had known about the product since the company launched, though did not decide to try Skinny Fiber until my husband asked if I had heard about it. He knew that I wanted to lose weight but couldn't go to a weight loss doctor as I wanted because my blood pressure was high. I turned to God for guidance on whether I should become a distributor or not. I also went back and forth on the pros and cons with my husband. I started feeling compelled to at least try the product ... It ended up not only trying the product - which started to work for me quickly - but became an active distributor, too. I took my Skinny Fiber daily and started drinking 1/2 my weight in ounces of water. I went to all calls and webinars weekly, so that I can learn more about the products and business. I started working my Skinny Fiber Distributor business for just 1 to 3 hours week (from the comfort of my home). This went on a few months while I kept taking my Skinny Fiber, learning the business and company culture. I increased time and efforts a few months later; quit the work I was doing before joining the company and have been doing this part time with what many would consider a full time income. It has not always been easy, but sure worth the change.What Do I Like Best About Being A Skinny Fiber Distributor?
This Skinny Fiber business ended up being a blessing! It was an opportunity that didn't require me to jump through hoops to make money and develop professionally. I had been in companies in the past where they always required buying more product for inventory, paying for websites, 3rd party trainings, contact managers, etc; SBC does not push like this. Skinny Fiber Distributors get a virtual office with everything they need to do the business from anywhere, plus ongoing training and support is available daily. The company even ships the products for us, though we have the ability to interact with our own customers - which is awesome - but they provide support to the customers, too. As a result, I now have a career that is much more flexible, fun and rewarding because I am helping people from experience and heart; it's SO MUCH better than the demanding, stressful and exhausting work that I used to do. So many customers have lost weight with Skinny Fiber and the weight loss support; same with the distributors and their accomplishments, too.What Exactly Do Skinny Fiber Distributors Do?
I think the work is easy and fun to do. In my experience, it is a business that just about anyone can do ... Skinny Fiber distributors basically share information that helps people learn about the product, losing weight and healthy lifestyle changes; most also provide health, food and life tips that can help people, as well as product and weight loss support. The flip side is that distributors also help people start careers with the company and learn what they need to do to reach their goals. It is a very systematic and team driven business. Many feel like this is a family oriented company (not just caring about yours, but also one big family) especially since the owner is hands on and has the motivation that he wants SBC to be the last company people ever want to do. He encourages people to learn how to do well in this business, eliminate debt, create savings, take care of what they need in order to live more stress free and happy. PLUS, HE ALWAYS PAYS THE DISTRIBUTORS fairly according to the compensation plan and ontime!!!You can learn more by visiting this page:
Skinny Fiber Distributor
More about me!
This ended up being just what I needed to start losing weight and break away from my lifesucking career choice ... Yes, I could have done something else; I have a college degree and diverse work experience, but neither were permitting the work / life quality I needed to maintain for our family's happiness. I am not talking about the extravagant wants (which are certainly possible for all), but being able to work from home and be there for the kids, provide more than just basic needs and avoid living from check to check, having the ability to make more money if / when needed (not sitting trying to figure out what to do), etc. It has been work, time invested and the need for development, but far much more enjoyable then being stuck in a pay range and on a time clock while wondering if the job security is there or if that is even the place to be. Can you relate?
WOW 2 YEARS ... In one work at home business!!! It just blows me away!
Thanks for being interested enough to read along!!!
Blessings to you,
P.S. Add me as a friend on Facebook and Google - I make a great friend and help with support!
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