Starting 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge Again
I started another 90 day weight loss challenge today. I did so good last time and then stopped because I thought I had my weight loss program under control, so I was just saving my giveaways I planned to do for the New Year. I am just going to have to get extra for that because I started to lose focus and eat junk with my family. It's not fun to feel the pants getting tight again; especially so close to Christmas :(
I do not know what is wrong with me and why I like the junk so much? I say this because I love eating healthy. I like all fruits and veges. I like the way I feel when I do not eat the processed foods and junk. I just got distracted by my family and lazy about cooking. I need to take charge in that area :)
I will keep you posted with how things are going with this new 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge and continue to share what I learn while making healthy lifestyle changes. I also started a Weight Loss Support Group at Facebook. Please feel free to join us there and share how things are going with your weight loss challenge. In fact, I encourage you to join and cheer me on this time. I really need to keep this blood pressure down.
Happy Holidays!
Wow great post 90 day healthy! Looking forward for more posts from you. Keep us updated! :)