Lost 24 Pounds Using Skinny Fiber / Still Have More Lbs To Go
Well, today marks 90 days for me and I weighed in at 24 pounds total weight loss. As I mentioned on my 60 Day Weight Loss Journal, I am excited about jump starting my weight loss, but I still have a LONG way to go. I need to lose more to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. I do not feel happy about that! Plus, I did not exercise much in the past 30 days. I am marking this as my goal again for the next 30 days ... Starting my 90 day challenge again! I really need a work out buddy because my motivation is not so great when it comes to exercise. Maybe my son will be that person for me this month. I'll let you know how that goes for me.
OK, I have to share something that I noticed within our Skinny Body team. There has been like so much motivation to lose weight (seems even more so than to sell Skinny Fiber) because the company cruise is coming up. People are doing the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge for a second time. One woman even hired a personal trainer to help her tone up more quickly than she was just losing weight. It was funny to me at first and then I started to think "Nothing like a cruise reservation to motivate us to lose weight. HOW WONDERFUL!!!".
What motivates you to lose weight?
Now, I am thinking about all of the things that motivate me to lose weight. I think that I will start sharing those to see if other people feel / think the same. I have to admit that some are pretty "real" ... some will find them funny; others will think it's gross, but there are some really serious factors that motivate me to lose weight that thin people over look; I know this because I was in shape before this baby!
If you have 20 lbs or more to lose, and want to get started before Christmas, please visit the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge page of this website to learn more about the program I am doing. I invite you to join me as well :)
Until next time ...
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