What could be better than award winning Skinny Fiber pills? It has to be this revolutionary new weight loss formula called SKINNY BODY MAX! This enhanced product features some of the same effective ingredients in original Skinny Fiber (enzymes and healthy fibers), but Skinny Body Max has 5 more ingredients proven for weight loss health such as prebiotic and probiotic support, raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia and more!!!
If you like the results from the original Skinny Fiber formula, but feel as though you need more appetite control, fat burning energy and help to lose weight faster, then maybe Skinny Body Max is worth a try for the additional support. Some of the ingredients in Skinny Body Max are the very same as in Skinny Fiber (Glucomannan, Caralluma and Digestive Enzyme Blend), but there are additional high quality and organic ingredients formulated to maximize weight loss results:
GLUCOMANNAN Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber also called "Natures Skinny Sponge", It has recently gained considerable attention as an effective weight-loss supplement. Glucomannan expands in your stomach to help you feel full faster and therefore eat less. This explains the effects of glucomannan on obesity http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6096282
CARALLUMA - a widely growing plant in India is associated with appetite suppression
ORAFTI FIBER - a prebiotic fiber that has been proven to support weight management and help the body absorb more calcium for stronger bones. Benefits of Fiber & Prebiotics explained here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3705355/
PROBIOTIC - are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. The probiotic in Skinny Body Max is Lactobacillus Plantarum (L. Plantarum) prevents harmful bacteria from attaching to the mucosal lining. It aids in digestion, retaining vitamins and minerals, so the bad bacteria are pushed out the body.
RASPBERRY KETONES - Clinically proven to increase the burning of fat cells in the body - Research Raspberry Ketones: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15862604
PURE CAYENNE EXTRACT - One of the most powerful herbs in the world, to help burn fat and curb cravings
GARCINIA CAMBOGIA - Helps block your body's ability to make new fat
DIGESTIVE ENZYMES - Beyond supporting digestion, Digestive Enzymes can play a major role in weight management. Enzymes are responsible for every single chemical reaction in every single cell of your body.
Better Appetite Control, Fat Burning & Weight Loss

How Much Does Skinny Body Max Cost?
Skinny Body Max costs exactly the same as Skinny Fiber and our other products.One bottle is $59.95 USD + shipping
* 10 and 20 bottle packages are only available to distributors for purchase.
* Taxes & Fees may apply in certain International countries.
How To Take Skinny Body Max for Weight Loss?
You take Skinny Body Max the exact same way you take Skinny Fiber:Take 2 capsules at least 30 minutes before your two largest meals of the day and with 8 to 16 ounces of water.
The company suggests that you take Skinny Body Max before Lunch and Dinner, but you can take it before Breakfast and Lunch or Breakfast and Dinner ... Whatever works best for your body and schedule. If you take certain medications(s) daily, then you will want to take Skinny Fiber at least an hour apart from your prescription pills. Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of water each day for health and to keep the glucomannan swollen, as well as to help flush toxins out of your body.
* If you have high blood pressure, heart condition, diabetes or other health condition, please print this page and discuss with your doctor first to confirm that Skinny Body Max is a good product for you.