Clean Eating is a subject that comes up all of the time these days. Mix it with all of the information about how successful you could be on a low carb diet, low fat diet and counting calories, and it can be challenging to even think about another way of eating for weight loss … Yet, this is one to pay attention to if you want less chemicals, pesticides and hormones in your foods!
Are you are confused about what Clean Eating is in general and whether this type of diet plan can help with your weight loss goals? It’s actually a life change that can have HUGE rewards on how you look, feel and live. Clean eating focuses on the way foods are produced and processed, in order to achieve the most natural effects on your body. This article provides a closer look at how clean eating can help you become healthier, more energetic and lose the weight for good.
What Is Clean Eating?
Clean eating involves a few key concepts that make it the most desirable way of eating for individuals trying to lose weight, detoxify their systems or avoid food sensitivities. Most importantly, it is a way of life, opposed to just a diet plan, for people that want to eat and live as clean as possible without going vegetarian or vegan.
These concepts include:
1) Eliminating processed foods from your diet.
2) Eating organically grown fruits and vegetables; natural foods free of pesticides and chemicals.
3) Eating unrefined grains such as sprouted breads, quinoa, steel-cut oatmeal, brown rice and beans / legumes.
4) Buying organic, pastured or wild meats instead of grain-fed meat
5) Using hormone-free dairy products
6) Cooking foods in ways that introduce a minimal amount of other ingredients such as stir-frying, steaming or baking.
7) Using healthy oils, such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, walnut oil, coconut oil or sesame oil.
If you are worried about being able to afford organic fruits and vegetables. Use this list courtesy of Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in ProduceTM from ewg.com as a guide for which are the most important to buy organic or not. Any fruits and vegetables at the top of the list are MORE TOXIC and you want to buy organic; any from the bottom of the list and up are LESS TOXIC;
1. Apples
2. Peaches
3. Nectarines
4. Strawberries
5. Grapes
6. Celery
7. Spinach
8. Sweet Bell Peppers
9. Cucumbers
10. Cherry Tomatoes
11. Snap Peas (imported)
12. Potatoes
13. Hot Peppers
14. Blueberries (USA)
15. Lettuce
16. Kale and Collard Greens
17. Cherries
18. Plums
19. Pears
20. Green beans
21. Raspberries
22. Winter squash
23. Tangerines
24. Blueberries (imported)
25. Carrots
26. Summer squash
27. Broccoli
28. Snap Peas (USA)
29. Green onions
30. Bananas
31. Oranges
32. Tomatoes
33. Watermelon
34. Honeydew melon
35. Mushrooms
36. Sweet Potatoes ---
37. Cauliflower
38. Cantaloupe
39. Grapefruit
40. Eggplant
41. Kiwi
42. Papayas
43. Mangos
44. Asparagus
45. Onions
46. Sweet Peas (frozen)
47. Cabbage
48. Pineapples
49. Sweet Corn
50. Avocados
What Are The Benefits Of Clean Eating?
Clean eating can help you to:
· Reduce blood pressure
· Regulate blood sugar in Type-2 diabetes
· Reduce the risk for heart disease
· Reduce the risk of stroke
- Reduce body fat
· Improve digestive function
· Lose weight
Can I Eat Clean While Doing A Special Diet Plan?
YES, you can eat clean while doing Atkins or other low carb diets.
YES, you can eat clean while doing the Paleo Diet.
YES, you can eat clean on a diabetic or low cholesterol diet.
YES, you can eat clean as a vegetarian or vegan.
YOU CAN EAT CLEAN while doing most any diet that does not require you to buy and use their pre-packaged foods, shakes, etc. If you are vegan, do not include the dairy and meat, etc.
Just follow the guidelines and / or recipes for your diet plan by replacing the ingredients with organic, natural, unprocessed foods. Clean eating is kind of easy that way.
It is likely that you will feel so much better (less sluggish, reduce blood pressure, lower insulin levels) while making the changes because you are choosing REAL, CLEAN, HEALTHY foods and drinks. Not processed carbs and other foods that increase health risks!
How To Integrate Clean Eating Into Your Daily Life?
Because our culture relies a great deal of convenience foods (i.e. fast foods, quick boxed foods, frozen foods and eating away from home), clean eating requires a little more planning than what you might be used to.It’s not too hard though does require you to decide in advance which foods for shopping, daily meals and snack attacks. Simple changes like carrying a lunch, instead of eating out on your lunch hour at work, will allow to maintain a clean diet, as well as save money. It is the same when you are home with the family or planning to spend time with friends. Cook a clean meal instead of going out to eat; they will appreciate a new style of eating while learning more about this new theory of nutrition. If you do eat out of the home, patronize a health food restaurant that uses organic ingredients that are cooked fresh. When in a restaurant, try to choose the simplest items on the menu, ones that are likely to have less or no processed ingredients, such as a stir fry dishes or grilled fish and steamed vegetables.
Whether you choose clean eating for weight loss or management for a certain health condition, you may find that your health improves significantly with this type of diet plan, helping you to have better digestion, improved mood, increased energy and so much more. You will probably even feel healthier than you’ve ever felt before and never go back to unnatural eating.
Also, the theory is that one of the major advantages to clean eating is longevity! That eating healthy increases your potential for a longer life! I am not here to make claims to you, but I sure know that I get less gas when I eat organic eggs and feel so much better when OFF of processed foods. Maybe it will be this way for you, too, especially if you think that you are starting to experience allergic reactions to certain foods and / or gluten intolerance.
Lastly, if you find yourself OVEREATING while trying to make your healthy lifestyle changes and losing weight, you can take Skinny Fiber or Skinny Body Max with a clean eating diet plan. The ingredients are all natural; it helps with cleansing, appetite control, digestive enzymes and other healthy ingredients that help you better absorb the nutrients in the foods you eat, as well as block fats, increase metabolism and natural energy. Take it short or long term which working on your health and wellness.
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