When wondering how Skinny Fiber works for weight loss and why some of the customer testimonials state health changes with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid conditions, etc? As with anything new that you put into your body, it helps to research the ingredients in Skinny Fiber (Glucomannan, Cha De Bugre, Caralluma Fimbriata, Digestive Enzymes). Although the product is called "Skinny Fiber" and approved for distribution as a weight loss product only, diving further into the medical studies, scientific research and holistic medicine / herbal uses are also necessary to understand the ingredients in Skinny Fiber and how they stand on their own.
UPDATED: December 2013
*** If you would you like to try Skinny Fiber for your appetite control and weight loss needs, please visit this How To Buy Skinny Fiber page for more information! ***
Glucomannan (Konjac Root, Konjac Powder, Japanese Shirataki Noodles, Konjac Noodles / Rice)
It's not hard to find information on the health and weight loss benefits of Glucomannan since Dr OZ brought the supplement on his show and explained the benefits for appetite suppressant. Yet, there are specific health studies on glucomannan and glucomannan & weight loss stated on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health where it is noted for weight loss, improving lipids, lowered cholesterol and no adverse effects, and so on:
Effect of glucomannan on obese patients: a clinical study.
"Weight change was the primary efficacy endpoint" in this study, and without food changes, the group lost 5.5 pounds on average in 8 weeks.
Effect of two doses of a mixture of soluble fibres on body weight and metabolic variables in overweight or obese patients: a randomised trial.
The group lost 10 pounds in 16 weeks compared to 1.7 pounds lost in the placebo group.
Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review.
"At doses of 2-4 g per day, GM was well-tolerated and resulted in significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals. There is some evidence that GM exerts its beneficial effects by promoting satiety and fecal energy loss. Additionally, GM has been shown to improve lipid and lipoprotein parameters and glycemic status. Further investigation of safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of action is needed to determine whether GM can help to decrease the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States."
Effect of glucomannan on plasma lipid and glucose concentrations, body weight, and blood pressure: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Caralluma Fimbriata
Caralluma fimbriata A new dietary supplement in weight management strategies (FDA Website)
"This study consisted of 26 overweight patients, 19 on active compound, Caralluma Fimbriata Extract, and 7 on placebo, who were followed for four weeks. The conclusions are excellent and the major observations are given below: The substance, Caralluma Fimbriata Extract showed a statistically significant reduction in body weight. Caralluma Fimbriata Extract was well tolerated Caralluma Fimbriata Extract has shown long safety record with little. If any, side effects "
Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, food intake and anthropometry in adult Indian men and women.
Antiobesogenic and Antiatherosclerotic Properties of Caralluma fimbriata Extract.
Cell Study Supports Caralluma Fimbriata Fat Fighting Activity
Cha De Bugre (Cordia Salicifolia Cham and Cordia Ecalyculata)
Once you sift through all of the weight loss information, there is a lot of medical, holistic and scientific info posted. Unfortunately, I do not speak Portuguese to find all of the information written from Brazil, so I did my best. I also saw a paid references from a study in Nigeria (I have not bought yet) and sites stating the Argentine cordia as well. My logic leads me to believe that we in the USA are not provided all documentation or references from all of their studies and also that these countries would not have regular uses for if it was not genuinely common for the uses they state.
Most importantly, I spoke first hand with a woman from Brazil that lived in the USA for many years (a teacher) that shared with me that Cha De Bugre is used in Brazil for weight loss and all that is stated online, as well as the fact that people with cancer sip the tea for the health benefits. She said that it works and bought Skinny Fiber with interested in how the combination of Cha De Bugre and the other ingredients (Glucomannan, Caralluma, Digestive Enymes) work in comparison to the Cha De Bugre alone.
Antiviral activity of an extract of Cordia salicifolia on herpes simplex virus type 1
Assessment of effects of a Cordia salicifolia extract on the radiolabeling of blood constituents and on the morphology of red blood cells.
"Analysis of the results reveals that some physical parameters could be useful to aid in characterizing the extract studied. Moreover, it is possible that chemical compounds of this extract could have chelating/redox actions or be capable of binding to plasma and/or cellular proteins."
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Cordiaverbenacea D.C.
"since colonial times for their anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties"
Cordia ecalyculata Vell. (Boraginaceae). Misiones, Eldorado, 30-III-2003, MartĂnez 59 (LPAG); Parque Nac. IguazĂș, 6-XII-1971, Volkart s.n. (LPAG 4449). Leaves: cardiotonic, tonic (2). Fruits: with a viscid substance which is used as glue. Fruits are also palatable for wild animals (3).
Then in 1997, research with rabbits and guinea pigs validated the traditional use of the plant as a heart tonic when they reported cardiotonic and increased cardiovascular actions using a leaf extract.
Dictionary of Plants Used in Brazil by C.L. Cruz
Cruz recommends Cha de bugre for diuretic, cardiovascular health, stimulate circulation, coughs, renal function, reduce uric acid, endurance, heal wounds, weight loss, energy.
Pharmacological studies of Cordia salicifolia Cham in normal and diabetic rats
Not for obesity, but for cholesterol and triglycerides.
Pharmacological Studies of Cordia salicifolia Cham in Normal and Diabetic Rats
"It could be still possible that dried powdered leaves from CS might be useful in the treatment of human hyperlipidemia. But, it will be necessary further experimental and clinical studies to confirm this suggestion"
Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (page 232-233)
Antimicrobial reference states from the bark.
The latest research on Cordia salicifolia states its anticancerous, antiviral and a cardiotonic.
Method for administering appetite suppressant and composition thereof (Bottom page 2-3)
"Highly commercialized in Brazil ... seen in pharmacies" ... "Very little clinical uses ... however some possible uses for cha de bugre include reducing herpes virus penetration, inhibition of cancer cells, and as a heart tonic. As an appetite suppressant, rather than cutting off appetite all together ... smaller meals ... for sustained weight loss and keeping the metabolism going throughout the day"
Digestive Enzymes
I recently did the research and posted a breakdown of Digestive Enzymes for your review. Please comment there or on this page with feedback on that reference.
I hope all of this information on the Skinny Fiber ingredients; regional and clinical studies on Glucomannan, Cha De Bugre, Enzymes and Caralluma Fimbriata helps with your personal research!
* If you should come across any medical or holistic information for this page, please do comment with your findings. DO NOT post links to sites for weight loss pills or other non-relevant information; just regional information on herbal uses, medical and scientific studies on Caralluma Fimbriata, Cha De Burge, Glucomannan and Digestive Enzymes found in Skinny Fiber as stated below.
Hugs & Blessings,
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